Are You an Artist Who Writes or a Writer Who Draws?

Someone asked me this question the other day and I guess I reject the parameters of it, as pretentious as that sounds. I don’t think I’m a particularly good artist or writer – I’ve done both by themselves and I’m never too pleased with the results. That seems self-deprecating and I promise it isn’t meant to be. I’m just saying that I’m not comfortable declaring the supremacy of one talent over the other. The aspect of my comics with which I’m the most comfortable is the ‘comics’ part. I understand the mechanics of page layouts and panel rhythms infinitely better than I understand, say, anatomy or a three act structure.

So yes, my great epiphany is that as someone who draws comics a lot the thing I feel most confident in is my ability to draw comics. Shocking. Still, it’s interesting to think that most cartoonists to seem willing to put themselves in one of this question’s two categories.