Hello! I just wanted to say I really love your work. I’ve read a few of your comics online and I was hooked from the start. If I may ask you, how did you get into drawing comics? Did you study illustration in college?

Thanks, that’s very kind of you to say. I’m still in college now, but I’m not studying illustration or anything else art-related. I’ve always been interested in comics, and I’ve just slowly gotten better by drawing lots of them. One of the things that first encouraged me to be serious about comics, though, was a website called Entervoid, which also nurtured cartoonists like James Stokoe, Marley Zarcone, Evan Dahm, Mickey Z, and other People That You Have Maybe Heard Of in their early years. I can’t really speak to how it is now, but at the time I found the site (mid 2000s) it had a very strong culture of constructive criticism and encouraging hard work that had an important impact on the way I thought about comics.