Perhaps you have already heard of Sam Hiti’s Death Day. If not, you should check it out because it is a really good comic. Anyways, I wanted to talk for a second about Hiti’s brushwork, because I think it’s one of the most interesting and notable aspects of his cartooning. His thick line is deceptively simple, as if he’s just starting to learn how to use a brush and hasn’t quite gotten the hang of it yet. However, behind that simplicity, I would argue, is a very skilled cartoonist who knows exactly what he is doing. Hiti’s blocky linework and often small panels (as in the excerpt above) should make his work difficult to read, but that isn’t the case at all. Each of Hiti’s sweeping brush strokes are carefully placed, and his panels carefully composed such that, with his website’s vertically scrolling layout, you can easily zoom through chapters of Death Day if you allow yourself to while still easily following the story. That’s a clear sign of solid comics as far as I’m concerned.