Year in Review Part Two

As if last time wasn’t enough, I have now decided to review, for my benefit and yours, the variety of comics-related activities which with which I have been engaged throughout 2011. My biggest project was the completion of chapters 3, 4 and 5 of Sexbuzz, a poorly titled science fiction comic that will be completed […]

Year in Review

Year in Review Here are all the things I liked in 2011. I made myself a fancy new wordpress to post it, which just might encourage me to write something intelligent about comics that is longer than 100 words every once in a while. We’ll see.


Hi. Here are all of the comics I drew in November. I think the best ones are pretty good and the worst ones are terrible, but I would like it if you took a few minutes to read all of them. This was a fun side project, and I’m now excited to get back to […]