
I am more actively aware of my own privilege as straight/white/cis/male thanks in no small part to discussions happening in the comics community. I don’t mean to say I wasn’t aware of this previously, or that I only relate to the world through comics. I also recognize that there are many problematic things being said on these matters in the comics world. This is not me saying, “Go Team Comics” or anything like that.

Still, I want to acknowledge the important influence that positive discussions in this community have had on my views, leading me to think more carefully about my actions and words in this context. I don’t talk about privilege and related issues as often as I perhaps should, even though I think about them a lot, because I don’t feel I am very articulate. I’m working on that. Even this is not very well put.

But I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who talks about these issues even when it is difficult. Please know that you are making a difference.