Reader’s Block, David Markson (reread)
The Last Novel, David Markson (reread)
Hamlet, William Shakespeare (reread)
5 est le Numero Parfait, Igort (trans. Lidia Licari)
Frontier 7, Jillian Tamaki (reread)
Sea Urchin, Laura Knetzger (reread)
Paradise Kiss Vol. 1-2, Ai Yazawa
Un Portrait de Moitié Claire, Pierre Duba
Sketchbook comic, Kimball Anderson
A hectic month for me, I guess. I moved. Not a ton of new comic work, took all month to do maybe a week’s worth of corrections to prep M for print.
My new rack system does seem to be encouraging me to read more. I’ve had 5 est le Numero Parfait for years and never got around to it before now. Igort draws nice and there are some interesting techniques in terms of layout and panel-to-panel storytelling. But wow, the story itself was incredibly uninteresting! Very underwhelming.
Also Kimball let me read more of their comic than is currently online. I really enjoyed it, very interested in how I might process it differently in reading the serialization along with everyone else.