
New comic available for preorder! Debuts at SPX and ships out to you in late September. N is a sequel to M, a comic I published in 2015. N is a comic about storytelling, family, and coming home. N is three short stories drawn in different styles but actually one long story drawn in the […]


Two new comics this month, both related to the Warmer anthology: my full strip for the book was posted on Guernica, and I also drew a second short piece appropriating words and images from other Warmer contributors. – Swimming Studies, Leanne Shapton Beloved, Toni Morrison Six Memos for the Next Millennium, Italo Calvino Invisible Cities, Italo […]


It’s the final week for Warmer! We’re $1000 away from our goal so now is the time to pledge if you haven’t done so. Thanks again for all the support and help with promoting the Kickstarter so far; I really appreciate it. This short comic isn’t included in Warmer, but it combines words and images […]


Hi. Our Kickstarter for Warmer: A collection of comics about climate change for the fearful & hopeful is still ongoing. We’re at 75% with 12 days to go – getting close to the end! We’d love your help in reaching our goal, or even surpassing it. Anything extra we raise will go only towards increasing our […]


Over the past six months, @madeleinewitt and I have worked with 19 cartoonists from around the world to make something we’ve longed for: an anthology of comics that speak to the grief of climate change.   The book is called Warmer: A collection of comics about climate change for the fearful &  hopeful. Click here […]


Just a short strip this month, since I was working on longer projects. I’m now working on a third comic in this same vein (the first one is here) and they all feel…off somehow. Like I’m missing the mark. Not sure what I mean beyond that, or how to fix it. I’ll have to think […]


Here’s an autobio strip about making comics. This started as my 30 Days Comic project last fall, but I found it wasn’t working and I stopped. This version is restructed and cut down, hopefully to make it a smoother read as well as less focused on me individually. I think comics-about-comics are extremely difficult to […]


earnestattempts: I am launching my Patreon!!  And through it, three new ongoing regularly updating comics!!  Sketchbook Comic will continue, as well, meaning four comics in total.  Plus other rewards for patrons!   How it works is like, if I get more money, I make more comics basically.  Launching these new ones, and doing more pages […]


This month I posted a comic I made last year called Seeking Joy. I wanted to share it because the goal stated in the title is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. – Extended Play, Jake Terrell Perfect Hair, Tommi Parrish Altcomics Magazine #5, ed. Blaise Larmee Drone, Simon Hanselmann Secure Connect, Carta […]


These are getting longer. Should I start putting them under a cut? Here’s a preview of the book I’ve been working on since early 2016 – not continuously, but I’ve definitely put a lot into it. I wrote it in thumbnails, set it aside, then came back for edits and final pages. It’s about family […]