
Here is a comic I made.

I wasn’t planning to share this for perhaps a few months. I’ve worked in drafts for almost all of my comics for a year or two now, working deliberately and taking time away from projects between each draft. It’s an approach that suits me and hopefully makes my work better.

I’ve released a few comics recently but in fact the work for them was completed some time ago. At the moment I’m feeling a bit creatively frustrated. Flailing. Unsure. Hesitant. I take it back, none of those words feel right. Just a normal creative rut probably and maybe even one that will pass soon, but don’t these things always feel monumental when you’re in the midst of them?

So it struck me tonight that it might make sense to show you this comic now, when the ideas it expresses are still raw and fresh.Even if with a few months away from it I might have been able to make a better version than this. I just reread the comic and cut out two final pages that felt true when I made them but don’t feel true to the way I’m feeling now. Thanks as always and hope you enjoy.