On Asking Questions

The simple question, the meta-question, the obvious question is how do you organize your life and your schedule and your thinking and your process such that you not only continue making comics but improve the quality of those comics.  I’ve detected a small shift in my thinking around these issues, which I’ve struggled to articulate […]

Yearly 2023

Yearly 2023 is available for preorder. I need to finish it! I’m close, just need to add a final few touches. Maybe your orders will help motivate me to do so. This issue is in the same format as last year, 5.25 x 8 and full color and filled with a few different stories. I […]

Together and Apart

I’m excited to say that I have a new book coming out with Fieldmouse Press. Together & Apart  is a 296 page hardcover that includes biographies of Virginia Woolf, Gertrude Stein, and Georgia O’Keeffe. Each biography stands alone but they also talk to each other and say something cumulative about art and life and love. […]


A quick summary, for you and for myself, of what I’ve been up to this year. Like everyone, I’ve been reminded by recent events of the unpredictability and unreliability of social media sites. I’ll still be using Instagram occasionally and I’m toying with revisiting Tumblr too. Otherwise, you can find me here and on the […]